“I created Human Place in 2008, inspired by the desire to offer a personalized professional coaching approach, focused on relational presence, leadership expertise, business knowledge of organization complexities and my deep and sincere connection to people.“

My Expertise
For the past 15 years, Caroline has coached executives and their teams through complex change processes involving the convergence between intercultural, inter-functional and interpersonal dimensions. Her clients work in diverse sectors such as banking and insurance, luxury goods, finance, media, transportation, cosmetics, energy, retail, and international organizations…
Certified coach
Coach&Team, Transformance, Paris,
Coaching Supervision Academy, London.

Senior Practitioner
Awarded EIA-EMCC

Global Coach Superviseur

My story
When I started my career 30 years ago, I saw my contribution primarily in my ability to create products, convince buyers, and generate revenue. Driven by my youth, I started a company in California, sold bicycle levers internationally, led a major marketing project for a media company, and founded a B2B consulting firm. Years later, I realized that I was most motivated by the energy of the people I worked with, that my focus was on people, not products. I discovered that I had interpersonal skills and situational awareness that I could put to good use. For the past 15 years, this is what I have been doing as an Executive Coach, with a passion that is constantly renewed by the diversity and the feeling of contributing to the development and fulfillment of the people and organizations I coach.

Diplomas and Certifications
Certified Coach from Coach&Team from Transformance in Paris, and from Coaching Supervision Academy in London. Senior Practitioner Awarded EIA-EMCC and Global Coach Supervisor Awarded ESIA-EMCC
Trained in Transactional Analysis, Team Coaching, Design Thinking, Systemic Approach, Mindfulness MBSR, Body Process Gestalt
Personality Profils
Certified practitioner of the GOLDEN Personality Type Profiler©, the STRONG Interest Inventory©, LUMINA© Spark Profil and BELBIN© Team Roles
BA in Political Science (IEP Strasbourg, France), MBA in Media&Communication and International Marketing (Fordham University, NY, USA)